Since 1828, we have been a part of the Southington community. For nearly 200 years we have tried to be more than just a building for people. We have tried to create memorable experiences and have tried to offer hope and encouragement for people by opening our doors to any and all.  


Our Mission

To lead people to faith in Jesus Christ and commit them actively to the Church; To help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ that increasingly they may know and do His will and to work for the spirit of unity for all Christians and with them engage in the common task of building the Kingdom of God. 

What We Believe

  • We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man. We believe he was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life thereby demonstrating what it means to be completely obedient to the Father, died for our sins, rose again and ascended to heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God the Father. We further believe that he will come again to judge the living and the dead: those in Christ Jesus to the resurrection of life and those apart from Christ Jesus to the resurrection of the second death.

  • We believe that in salvation the Holy Spirit fills every believer. We believe the present ministry of the Holy Spirit includes: giving of the fruit of the Spirit, conviction of sin, power to witness, conforming us into the holy image of Christ, providing comfort, and illuminating Scriptures for us so that our mind is renewed.

  • We believe in the absolute need for the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We believe this salvation is a free gift offered to all through Jesus' death and resurrection. Acceptance of this grace is demonstrated through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus. We believe all in Christ will share eternally and bodily in Christ's glory in the New Heaven and the New Earth.

  • We believe Jesus instituted the Church, through the giving of the Holy Spirit to be the Body of Christ on earth until His Second Coming.

  • We believe the church was given two ordinances: Baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit and the Lord's Supper.

  • We believe sharing the Good News of Jesus to the world is Christ's great commission to the Church.

  • We believe the Bible is the inspired and true word of God. We believe the Bible reveals to us the character and will of God and witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ through the continued illumination of the Holy Spirit.