Children’s Ministries

Children’s Church & JUnioR Church

This service is built especially for children and runs at the same time as the adult service on Sunday mornings. There are always great activities and lessons, so parents and children alike can learn and worship on Sunday mornings. Children will start in the service with their parents / care givers and will be dismissed to head to their class.

Children’s Church - age 3 (potty trained) - Kindergarten

Junior Church - 1st - 6th grade

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids meets from September through May on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00 PM. Children from Pre-K to High School are welcome with each age group having their own class. Kingdom Kids is a great place for kids to make friends while learning about Jesus!


Nursery is available for newborns up to 3 years old during the Sunday morning 10:45 service.

All volunteers working with children have gone through a comprehensive background check.